
  • Vakbeurs Groene sector 2022

    Op 12, 13 en 14 januari 2022 is PVM aanwezig op de Groene Sector Vakbeurs. Wij staan u graag te…

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  • PVM has a special EPR verge mixture for the control of oak processionary caterpillar.

    The oak processionary caterpillar has been an increasing nuisance in recent years, almost every green manager has to deal with this. The expectation…

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Arjan de Vries

Verkoop-Adviseur bloemenmengsel-zaden en materialen bos-landschapsbouw

Johan Vink

Verkoop-Adviseur boomzaden

Jody Bosch

Administration / Sales support

Gerwen Pelgrum

Owner / director Sales advisor flower mixture seeds and materials forest landscaping

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