
Nieuwe medewerker, Lac Balsam

In deze nieuwsbrief Nieuwe medewerker Boombescherming Lac Balsam Nieuwe medewerker Arjan de Vries We zijn verheugd om Arjan de Vries…

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Vakbeurs Groene sector 2022

Op 12, 13 en 14 januari 2022 is PVM aanwezig op de Groene Sector Vakbeurs. Wij staan u graag te…

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PVM has a special EPR verge mixture for the control of oak processionary caterpillar.

The oak processionary caterpillar has been an increasing nuisance in recent years, almost every green manager has to deal with this. The expectation…

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Spring is just around the corner. Time to lend a hand to # biodiversity by sowing # bee mixtures ...

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